In this 30 minute yin class, we hit the whole body to foster presence in a short amount of time. Beginning with a passive heart opener, we then move on to some hip opening before finding our way into some passive twists. Playlist includes The Album Leaf, Sara Bareilles, and Kina Grannis.
Up Next in SparkYin
Hannah YIN - Sun 5/30
This 60 Minute YIN class is the perfect companion to your power practice. In YIN you hold postures for 3-6 minutes in order to release deep layers of tension and stress. This class is restorative on a physical and emotional level and practiced in dim lighting so if you have the ability, dim your ...
Ashley YIN Flow - Sun 5/2
This 60 Minute YIN class is the perfect companion to your power practice. In YIN you hold postures for 3-6 minutes in order to release deep layers of tension and stress. This class is restorative on a physical and emotional level and practiced in dim lighting so if you have the ability, dim your ...
Ariel YIN - Sun 4/25
This 60 Minute YIN class is the perfect companion to your power practice. In YIN you hold postures for 3-6 minutes in order to release deep layers of tension and stress. This class is restorative on a physical and emotional level and practiced in dim lighting so if you have the ability, dim your ...